Squeal on Pigs: Feral Swine Campaign

The states of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have identified feral pigs as an immediate concern. Using an Early Detection Rapid Response approach by reporting sightings to the multi-state Squeal on Pigs phone line is an effective way for Oregon invasive species manager to identify populations and eradicate them before they spread or increase. Thanks to the efforts by landowners and state and federal agencies over the last decade, it is estimated that we have reduced the feral swine population to approximately 200-500. 

While many feral swine are the result of escaped domestic pigs, the majority of pigs found in Oregon are due to intentional releases of already feral swine. Genetic testing suggests that our feral swine population has most likely become established by a limited number of large releases. As is the case with many invasive species, one of the most effective means of keeping feral swine out of the state is by not releasing them in the first place; Don’t Let It Loose! 

How did they get here?

  • They reproduce quickly. The ODFW estimates that 70% of the feral swine would need to be removed each year to keep the population from growing.

  • Large swine populations significantly disturb soils when feeding by digging and tearing up vegetation, paving the way for invasive plant seeds to become established.

  • Omnivorous pigs can feed on sensitive wildlife in our natural areas.

  • Feral swine are aggressive and can harbor diseases that could harm people if they made contact, though the sampling of feral swine found in Oregon has shown that there is a relatively low incidence of disease detection in our swine compared to some other states.

Why is Oregon concerned with Feral Swine?

What to do if you see pigs or evidence of pigs? 

  • Feral swine are not tame and can be aggressive.

  • Their damage often looks like patches of freshly plowed ground.

  • The 2009 House Bill 2221 requires that landowners and land manager notify the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife when they become aware of free roaming feral swine on their property.

 To help the states quantify populations and address specific populations of concern, and to follow Oregon law, report any feral pig sightings by calling the toll-free hotline, the Swine Line: 1-888-268-9219.