USDA Declares August Tree Check Month

August is Tree Check Month! Everyone is encouraged to take 10 minutes to check their trees for signs of invasive pests, such as the Asian longhorned beetle. August is the best time to spot the Asian longhorned beetle as adults emerge from trees. The Asian longhorned beetle feeds on a wide variety of popular hardwood trees, including maple, birch, elm, willow, ash, and poplar. For more information about the Asian longhorned beetle, please visit

If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved in protecting our forests from invasive species, please visit the Oregon Forest Pest Detector program website. Oregon Forest Pest Detectors are volunteers that help prevent the damaging impacts of invasive forest pests by monitoring for and reporting potential infestations. The Oregon Forest Pest Detector program currently focuses on detection of the emerald ash borer (EAB), Asian longhorn beetle (ALB), and goldspotted oak borer (GSOB).

Always remember to report any potential sightings of invasive species and Don’t Move Firewood!