OISC Threats and Opportunities Webinar: Invasive Species in Oregon

To commemorate Oregon Invasive Species Awareness Week and National Invasive Species Awareness Week, the Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) presented a 90-minute webinar that introduced and highlighted invasive species threats and opportunities across the state, the critical network partners who manage them, and the key policies that facilitate these efforts. The webinar also provided an opportunity to showcase the OISC’s Threats & Opportunities: A Primer for Oregon Policymakers. Presentations were followed by a panel discussion with Q&A and a call for nominations for OISC awards and announcement of a new “Outstanding Local Leadership & Collaboration Award”.

A recording of the webinar can be found here: www.oregoninvasivespeciescouncil.org/threats-opportunities-webinar

Flowering Rush Webinar: Phenology, Genetic Variability, and Management

Flowering Rush: Phenology, Genetic Variability, and Management

Dr. John Madsen, USDA-ARS; Dr. Bradley T. Sartain, ERDC-EL; Dr. Nate Harms, ERDC-EL 4 November 2020

First Dr. Madsen presents the phenology of Flowering Rush in two case studies that informs long-term management. Then Dr. Sartain looks at field trials that evaluate water exchange processes and herbicide efficacy on the effective management of flowering rush. Lastly, Dr. Harms looks at genotype differences between introduced populations that may lead to variation in economic or ecological impacts between invaded areas and finishes with genotype-specific management.

View here: https://corpslakes.erdc.dren.mil/employees/invasive/exchange.cfm?Option=Webinar&Type=Past&CoP=invasive&Id=582&ICS=No

Emerging Insect Pests Webinar (2019)

Emerging Insect Pests Webinar

Threats to Oregon’s Agriculture, Forests, and Plant Trade

In January of 2019, the Oregon Invasive Species Council hosted a free webinar on the emerging insect pests of Oregon that are threatening the local environment and economy. Forest and agricultural pests constantly put Oregon’s industries at risk of lost profit, costly projects, and quarantines. The purpose of this webinar was to share information about key emerging invasive insect threats that could cause significant, lasting impacts to the state. Listeners learned about the current status of these insects in Oregon, how they get here, efforts to address the issues, and what people can do to stop the introduction or spread. There were short presentations from the following experts in the field:

“The Pressing Threat of Japanese Beetle to Oregon’s Nursery and Specialty Crop Growers”
Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture

“Gypsy Moth: A Devastating Pest of Trees and Shrubs”
Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry & Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture

“Stay on the Look Out for Spotted Lanternfly”
Meg Raabe, USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection Quarantine (Presented by Chris Hedstrom due to lapse in federal funding)

“One of the Most Destructive Wood-Boring Pests: Emerald Ash Borer”
Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry

If you’d like to learn more about this issue, see our Webinar Q&A Sheet for questions answered during and after the webinar.

Want to connect with our experts about the issues discussed in this webinar? Find their contact information below.

Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture: chedstrom@oda.state.or.us

Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry: wyatt.williams@oregon.gov

Meg Raabe, USDA-APHIS-PPQ: margaret.c.raabe@aphis.usda.gov

iMapInvasives Introduction & Training: Recorded Webinar (2020)

Link to recorded Webinar: https://psu.zoom.us/rec/share/28tFBo7zykBObM_97xDTcKIKDqbgeaa81HRIrPMEzB5-q0cL86MzAgU9sA6phfVq 

Webinar Description: Did you know that it's important to document your findings of invasive species when found in natural areas such as parks, forests, lakes, rivers, and streams? Join the iMapInvasives Introduction and Training webinar and learn all about iMapInvasives, a special online platform and mobile app that allows natural resource professionals and citizen scientists to record presence, absence, and treatment data associated with invasive species searched areas.

Webinar Topics:

  • The iMapInvasives program as a whole, as well as specifics related to the Pennsylvania program

  • Obtaining a free iMapInvasives login account

  • Entering data using the mobile app

  • Setting up customized email alerts

  • And more!

iMapInvasives is an interactive online GIS-based invasive species data management program. The iMapInvasives network is a consortium of programs in several US states and a Canadian province, and is led by NatureServe, an international conservation organization with a proven record of biodiversity data management and conservation research. Visit the Oregon iMapInvasives website to learn more.